Montserrat Land Info Online Mapping Portal
22nd January, 2020A Post-Implementation Benefits Study Report on the Geographical Information Systems Centre’s Montserrat Land Info – Online Mapping Portal, was presented to the Legislative Assembly December 17th, 2019.
The purpose of this review include whether the MLI Online Mapping Portal: (i) met the original project objectives (ii) adhered to the requirements of the system development methodology, (iii) establish any plans for future enhancements.
Key Findings & Recommendations
The main findings and key recommendations of this Post-Implementation Benefits study were as follows:
- GIS technology has been utilised in various ways and in several sectors, on island, such as: Crime; Telephone/Network services; Disaster Management; Land Information; Surveying; Tax Management; Statistical Information; Volcanoes; Coastal Management; provide support in Geothermal Energy project;
- We found that the aerial photography dataset of the geo-spatial database is very outdated, as the last aerial photography of Montserrat was taken in 2010. The Geographical Information Systems Centre’s (GISC) numerous proposals for financial aid to procure a drone to collect the latest geo-spatial data of Montserrat have been unsuccessful. We strongly recommend that MATLHE purchase a drone for the capture of aerial photography of Montserrat’s current terrain, in order to update the very outdated imagery dataset.
- The Lands & Survey Dept. (LSD) has not been continuously updating the GIS data with cadastre map/sheets, as they do not have any work protocols that mandates the updating of the database. Efforts are already being made by the department to resolve the issue.
The report in its entirety can be found at the Montserrat Public Library or by visiting Publications or by requesting an electronic copy from the Office of the Auditor General