Montserrat Ferry Service Operations

30th July, 2020

The Office of the Auditor General is pleased to announce that its report entitled Special Financial and Compliance Audit on the Operations of the Montserrat Ferry Service was presented to the Legislative Assembly on July 28 2020. 

Background:  This review assessed whether the relevant systems and processes were in place to ensure the effective and efficient operation of the Montserrat Ferry Service and that activities, financial transactions and information comply, in all material respects, with relevant standards and GoM policies and regulations. 

 Key Findings include

  • The Office of the Auditor General could not obtain reasonable assurance on submitted documentation as they were not in keeping with applicable financial reporting framework.  Additionally, a number of supporting documents and budgets were either not submitted or were reported as missing.
  • Revenue collected by one Agent was not being consistently deposited in a timely manner.  In some instances, deposits were done several weeks after collection.
  • There were differences between the sales reported on the online ferry system and the each agent’s reported sales. 

Key Recommendations

The Office of the Auditor General provided recommendations which include:

  • Deposits should be carried out daily and all cash receipts should be deposited in a timely manner, as daily deposits reduce the risk of fraud.
  • Separate sales reports should be generated for both morning and evening journeys to facilitate reconciling the agents reports to the online ferry system.

Subsequent to the Audit Office fieldwork, several developments were brought to their attention to include that the financial transactions of the ferry service will be incorporated into the GoM accounting system and will be reflected in the 2019/20 Public Accounts.

The full audit report highlights several other findings and recommendations which will bring significant improvements once implemented.

The report in its entirety can be found at the Montserrat Public Library or by visiting Publications or by requesting an electronic copy from the Office of the Auditor General